MSP Launch Champion Competition Rules:


To encourage IMPLEMENTATION and REPORTING on the marketing strategies you’ve received in this program, as well as give recognition to those members who have taken action and worked hard to successfully implement the campaigns, strategies and tools provided.

Competition And Prizes:

There will be two competitions.

  1. Semi-Finalist For MSP Launch Champion Of The Year: Twice a year, we will run a semi-finalist competition for all MSP Launch members who have been in the program for at least 6 months. There will be a first, second and third place prize awarded. The winners will receive an award for their accomplishments, recognition on social media and in our newsletter. They will also be invited to attend a Producers Club meeting as a VIP guest.
    They will also receive the following monetary prize:
    • 1st Place: $500 Visa gift card
    • 2nd Place: $200 Visa gift card
    • 3rd Place: $100 Visa gift card
  2. MSP Launch Champion Of The Year:
    • In January, we will pick 3 candidates from the semifinalists of the previous year to compete in the Annual Launch Champion Of The Year competition.
    • All 3 candidates will get their hotel (only 1 room, up to 4 nights) to attend the annual IT Sales and Marketing Boot Camp.
    • The winner of the Annual MSP Launch Champion of the Year will be announced on stage at Boot Camp and will receive a trophy as well as receiving a $1,000 cash prize.

Who Is Eligible:

Any MSP Launch Academy member in good standing (no bad debt or outstanding bills, no customer service issues) that has been in the membership for at least 6 months. Members may apply more than once for this contest.

How The Winner Will Be Chosen:

Everyone who wishes to enter must complete an entry form according to the instructions and deadline provided on the website. Judging will be done by the leadership team at TMT and based on the following criteria:

  1. The results you’ve produced from implementing the strategies, ideas and campaigns provided by TMT. This can be an increase in sales, MRR, profits, new customers acquired, new sales to existing customers, etc.
  2. The quality of your submission. The more details you provide the better your chances are of getting selected and winning.

How To Enter:

Simply complete and submit the entry questionnaire. To get the most out of this program AND to improve your chances of winning, follow these steps and tips for success:

  1. Read this document in its entirety to make sure you understand all of the rules and regulations.
  2. Complete the entire questionnaire and agree to the rules. Please note that incomplete forms will be disqualified.


Submit your completed entry on or before the deadline, no later than 5:00 p.m. CT on the day of the deadline.


Challenge Rules And Regulations:

  • The odds of winning will depend on the number of eligible people who participate in the challenge and on the performance of all contestants.
  • This challenge is open to MSP Launch Academy participants who are 18 years old or older and, if requested by Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., can provide proof in the form of a valid driver’s license or birth certificate.
  • The winner must provide information necessary for completion of IRS Form 1099.
  • This challenge is void where prohibited by law. All federal, state and local laws apply.
  • All judging decisions will be final and are at the sole discretion of TMT.
  • Contestants are forbidden to influence votes of the judges by any means other than their entry.
  • Prizes are nontransferable, and there will be no cash equivalents or substitutes offered. All taxes, registrations, reporting of income and challenge entry fees are the responsibility of the winners.
  • Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., reserves the right to interpret these rules and regulations, and, if necessary, amend the rules, challenge entry regulations and/or prizes at its sole discretion and without notice to the individual competitors. Any changes to these rules, regulations and prizes will be published online at Rule interpretations and all judging decisions are final.
  • All materials, content and information submitted to Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., in part or in whole as your challenge entry package or as part of this coaching program become the sole and exclusive property of Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., and may be used by Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., in any way, without permission from or any compensation to those who submitted the materials to Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc. Materials may not be posted on any web site outside of Technology Marketing Toolkit as a promotion for any reason other than marketing the finalist’s IT services business.
  • Scores are confidential and will not be disclosed.
  • Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., reserves the right to deny any challenge entry at its sole discretion.
  • Submission of your challenge entry package constitutes your express consent and permission for Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., to use your name, company, picture and challenge entry materials in whole or in part for promotional and advertising purposes to promote Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc.’s coaching programs, products and services, in any media and in any manner whatsoever, without limitation or restriction, and such consent is deemed given by your entry and participation in the challenge. Submission of a challenge entry package will be deemed your acceptance of these Rules And Regulations (which may be amended) and your voluntary transfer to Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., all right, title and interest, including copyright, of your photographs, audio and video footage of you, and your written responses.
  • Each participant assumes all risk of injury, harm, loss or business interruption that arises from participation in this challenge. Participants in the challenge release Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., and its directors, officers and employees from all risk, loss, injury, damage or harm that may arise from participating in the challenge.
  • The Application Form must be completed in its entirety, and according to the rules and regulations. Incomplete or late contest packages will not be eligible for judging. Do not include loose or unbound pages with your booklet.
  • Completed contest entries must be received by Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., no later than 5:00 p.m. CT on the stated deadline.